on October 27, 2016 Chatterkick Team

Learn Everything You Need To Know About Lauren In 3 Minutes.

Who is Lauren-.png

Our Community Manager who spends her free time scoping out vanity plates and living large, left-handed Lauren gets real about chocolate, ice, and large bodies of water. Not necessarily in that order, and in not a lot of detail—just enough for you to know she’s awesome.

  1. What’s a TV show you’d like to be on?

    Broad City

  2. Do you prefer fresh air or air conditioned air?

    AC forever

  3. What was the last thing you ate?

    A Tootsie Roll

  4. Do you like chocolate?

    I could live without it. So that Tootsie Roll really felt like a waste.

  5. Were you named after anyone?

    My uncle, Thomas Lorin

  6. Did you have a favorite toy as a child?

    I had a bright turquoise teddy bear named Sour that I took everywhere. My mom mysteriously “lost” him when I was little. ☹

  7. At the beach, sand or water? 

    There are few things scarier to me than large bodies of water.

  8. Do you like your handwriting?

    I’m a leftie, so I like my handwriting when I’m not smudging it.

  9. Have you ever made Jell-O?

    Glad you asked. Yes, I have.

  10. Do you save trinkets and mementos?

    Not really. I get a rush out of throwing stuff away. Very therapeutic.

  11. What is your favorite breakfast?


  12. Do you have or wish you had a catchphrase? 

    ‘Eggs!’ has a nice ring to it.

  13. Do you like ice in your cold beverages?

    If I have a choice, no. Ice takes up far too much cup room.

  14. Do you prefer to wear pants or dresses?

    I love a good pant.

  15. What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic?

    Tough to choose because there are SO many. But I guess it’d have to be how humble I am.

Have more questions for Lauren? Fire away. Just don’t be surprised if she answers with emojis or pictures of personalized license plates.

Chatterkick Team

The Chatterkick team is made up of envelope-pushers, big thinkers, brainstormers, and conversation starters. We live and breathe social media advertising and all its analytics and data. We love to create engaged, happy social media communities around businesses, and we are dedicated to creating a glowing brand reputation, culture, and voice for our clients. This blog was brought to you in collaboration with multiple Chatterkick team members.