on January 23, 2015 Facebook Facebook in 2015

New Year, New Strategy: Keeping Facebook Fresh in 2015

Here's to a brand spankin' new start.

It’s 2015 and a lot has changed since the early days of Facebook. The platform is nearly eleven years old, and it stands to reason that there have been developments along the way that have significantly altered the way we communicate and market through Facebook.

Things are bound to keep changing and developing, but here are a few things to keep in mind for using Facebook effectively in 2015.

1) Clear the clutter

Clear the clutter for a new year and new strategy for Facebook in 2015.

There’s a lot going on in Facebook news feeds. People are inundated with messages from high school friends, college friends, old neighbors, relatives, brands, and hundreds of other sources. There’s a lot to compete with, but the best way to compete isn’t to post a lot in order to increase the chances of being seen. Instead, consider scaling back, focusing on quality, and putting some money behind posts to increase their reach and effectiveness. 

You don’t need to shout to be heard on Facebook, you just need to focus on the right things to say at the right times with the right help from the Facebook ad platform.

2) Target Practice

There’s no way around it: you’re going to have to pay to play on Facebook in 2015. [[See other post]]. Don’t fret, though. You don’t need to break the bank on a Facebook marketing budget. Choose your messages and your target audiences carefully and you’ll be sure to use those ad dollars effectively.

Keep in mind that your audiences likely communicate differently. Your messaging can’t be the ‘one size fits all’ approach. A truly valuable Facebook page attracts interest from diverse groups of people, and that may require diverse communication tactics. Listen carefully to the users your trying to reach to gain insight on how they use Facebook and what they respond to. They’re real people, so real, sincere messaging that makes an effort to speak to them on their level will go a long way.

3) Out with the old, in with the new

Make sure you’re keeping things fresh on your Facebook page. Nobody likes being bored, so change things up. Experiment with new messages, change up your schedule, and definitely swap those profile pics and cover photos. 

Sure, a profile picture of your logo is good for clarity’s sake, but consider changing up how you display it. Snap a picture of yourself or your employees or a few customers in front of your sign or in your building. Be sure to get permission, though.

Also use that cover photo to show a little personality. Change it up and make it fun.

Facebook is a great tool if you know how to use it, and a few minor adjustments to your Facebook strategy in 2015 will have you well on your way to building a valuable presence on one of the world’s largest social networks. 

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Chatterkick Team

The Chatterkick team is made up of envelope-pushers, big thinkers, brainstormers, and conversation starters. We live and breathe social media advertising and all its analytics and data. We love to create engaged, happy social media communities around businesses, and we are dedicated to creating a glowing brand reputation, culture, and voice for our clients. This blog was brought to you in collaboration with multiple Chatterkick team members.